Alberta 2021 PRIZM & EQ Summaries

Market Segmentation Summaries

January 1, 2021 - December 31, 2021

Through our partnership with the BC Regional Tourism Secretariat and Environics Analytics, Symphony has access to market data for each tourism region. This information is analyzed and designed into easy-to-read formats like for PRIZM and EQ Market Segmentation. If you are looking for information about visitors to your business and the province, you’ve come to the right place.

Understanding current visitors and potential customers can help you achieve goals such as: expanding your seasons into fall, winter and spring; finding the right customer for new products, and speaking the language that resonates with potential customers most effectively.

For more information, detailed overviews of each segment, 2022 summaries, and fees contact us at

For More Information on Research or Fees for Services Contact:

Symphony Tourism Services



British Columbia 2021 PRIZM & EQ Summaries


BC Weekly Domestic Visitor Insights