Market Data
What Information is Available About Visitors to Your Region?
Through our partnership with the BC Regional Tourism Secretariat and Environics Analytics, Symphony has access to market data for each tourism region. If you are looking for general info about BC’s visitors, you’ve come to the right place.
What market data is available?
Here on this page, you can find information about British Columbia and Alberta markets - who is travelling, from where, and what they are like.
BC and Alberta PRIZM Market Segments by Population Count and Households.
BC and Alberta Explorer Quotient (EQ) Traveller Types by Population Count and Households.
Links to tools and resources to understand and use this data to your advantage.
The information provided here is based on BC and Alberta being British Columbia’s top domestic markets. Interested in Ontario or another province’s profiles? Just let us know.
Your Regional DMO can supply you with specific information about your region, or you can contact us and we will get you what you need.
BC Market Data

PRIZM Segments